Homemade-Bird-Feeders-Step12February’s nature craft is a cookie cutter bird feeder! This fun project provides entertainment long after you’ve finished crafting.  Spend some time bird watching with your little ones.  Check out our Nature Net Book Nook for some suggestions on kid-friendly bird books.


  • 3/4 cup small birdseed
  • 1 packet unflavored gelatin
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Twine
  • Cookie Cutters
  • Parchment Paper
  • Straw


1. Bring water to boil over medium heat. Add packet of unflavored gelatin.

2. Stir in gelatin until it is dissolved (1-2 min) and then take gelatin off heat to cool. Stir in bird seed.

3. Place cookie cutters on parchment paper.

4. Scoop bird seed into cookie cutters, and using another piece of parchment paper, press birdseed down.

5. Stick straw in top of each bird seed cookie cutter to make a small hole.

6. Freeze bird seed cookie cutters for 20 minutes.  Remove from freezer and let sit at room temperature for 10 minutes.

7. Carefully remove the bird seed feeders from the cookie cutters.

8. Thread twine through the holes and tie into a loop.

9. Hang your new feeders outside take part in some bird watching fun!

Thanks to Freebie Finding Mom for the great craft idea!