- Empty 2 Liter Soda Bottle
- Soil
- leaves, grass, newspaper, spoiled produce, and anything else you can find in your home or yard that can be composted
1.) Cut the top off a 2 liter soda bottle and rinse it out well. Remove the label so that you can see everything inside the bottle well.
2.) Start with a layer of soil on the bottom and alternate between soil and compostable material. You can use just about any plant matter. Shredded newspaper would have been great in here too.
3.) Look for anything that came from a plant. Older kids can alternate green matter and brown matter in their compost and experiment with different levels of moisture on the rate of decomposition.
4.) When your soda bottle has been filled, add water so it can start composting. You don’t want it to be sitting in water but you do want it to be damp all the way through.
5.) Let your compost sit for several weeks in a spot where it will get plenty of sun and won’t be tipped over.
6.) Use the compost in your own garden!
Credit: https://busymommymedia.com/science-for-kids-soda-bottle-compost/