In the spirit of building connections among the nature and environmental education community in Madison, this Directory is maintained to offer people a means for reaching out to one another. Keep your in-person conversations going and stay connected!

Does your information need updating? Would you like to be added to this Directory? Just reach out to!

Meg Barrow

Occupational Therapist, Nature Connection Guide Thriving Wild OT
Work Phone: 608 797 7954 Website:
Photo of Meg Barrow

Biographical Info

I’m an occupational therapist, NatureLed practitioner, and deep nature connection guide who has worked with individuals and groups across the lifespan to share knowledge and practices that support healthy child development and human wellness. As a parent of two young children, I also bring compassion and knowledge from my own personal experiences. My practice is deeply influenced by the science and wisdom that we need a relationship with nature to be healthy, because we ARE nature! I am passionate about letting this truth guide the path to thriving individuals, families, and communities. I also work with Wild Harvest Nature Connection as a nature connection mentor for both kids and the adult immersion program, Mentoring Through the Seasons. Most recently, I collaborated with local artist Kati Lambert (Coyote Fire Arts) to facilitate a workshop called Wild Women* Create, which offers deep nature connection experiences to nourish creativity and community.

Categories: Directory, Nature Everywhere
Updated 7 months ago.