In the spirit of building connections among the nature and environmental education community in Madison, this Directory is maintained to offer people a means for reaching out to one another. Keep your in-person conversations going and stay connected!

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CJ Ryan

Assistant Parks Superintendent City of Madison Parks Division
Work 330 E. Lakeside Street Madison WI 53715 Work Phone: 608-266-4711 Website:

Biographical Info

CJ Ryan has been in the parks and recreation industry for over 15 years. CJ is currently the Assistant Parks Superintendent at the City of Madison Parks Division, where she has overseen the operations, community services, and public information office sections of the agency since 2022. Prior to her position at the City of Madison, CJ served at the City of San José as the Administrative Officer for the Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services Department. CJ has been active in the City of Madison’s efforts to advance racial equity and ensure that parks are a place that everyone can access and enjoy. CJ has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Portuguese with a Certificate in Environmental Studies from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Master of Arts degree in Kinesiology from San Jose State University.

Categories: Directory, Nature Everywhere
Updated 7 months ago.