Dear Reader,
This summer, the Nature Net team (Brenna, Betsy, and I) decided that we would like to take some time to highlight all of the wonderful things our member sites do to promote environmental education and to share many of the exciting programs and events offered to families like you. With 16 member sites, it is often difficult to keep up with all that each site has to offer, they’re doing so many incredible things! My goal is to visit each of our member sites throughout the summer months so I can get a better idea of what opportunities exist for families at each site. I will be posting “Nature Net Site Spotlight” blog posts throughout the rest of the summer. I hope that you and your family will find this helpful in planning activities for the summer months and beyond.
Nature Net Intern
Aldo Leopold Foundation
My Visit:
There is so much to do at the Aldo Leopold Foundation! During my visit, I hiked the trails around the Legacy Center, which included a stop at the Leopold Memorial Site. I toured the exhibit hall in the Legacy Center, which features many photographs and artifacts that tell tales of both the land and the Leopold family. I was also able to visit the Leopold Shack and Farm. Below, you’ll find more information on the trails, Leopold Center (Legacy Center), and Leopold Shack.
Trails and Leopold Memorial Site:
A diverse landscape of trails surrounds the Legacy Center. Guests can explore savanna, wetlands, and dry prairie along the two mile trail. The trail now includes a memorial to Aldo Leopold, not far from the Leopold Center. Guests are encouraged to reflect and keep track of the wildlife they see while hiking, just as Aldo Leopold would have!
Legacy Center:
The Legacy Center, which received Platinum LEED certification, meets all of its energy needs on site. The Aldo Leopold Foundation honors Leopold by providing environmental education and proving that we can use energy efficiently and retain a positive relationship with the environment.
Leopold Shack and Farm:
Guests can explore the Leopold Shack on a guided
public tour or as a self-guided tour. During my visit, I explored the shack as a self-guided tour. I would highly encourage visiting on a weekend which offers guided tours, as this is the only way to view the inside of the shack. Be sure to pick up a self-guided tour brochure at the Legacy Center, as this definitely enhances the experience. The guide includes photographs and descriptions of many sites along the trail which leads to the shack. Also, be sure to walk down by the water. The Wisconsin River flows not far from the shack, and this is a great place to relax and reflect.
More Information:
Please visit the Aldo Leopold Foundation website for more information on upcoming events and programs.
- Good Neighbor Day – October 17th
- Free admission for our public guided Shack tour on Saturday at 1 p.m. to anyone who brings in a donation for the local food pantry. Good neighbor day is run in conjunction with the International Crane Foundation which will have a similar free admission program running the same weekend.
- Art Day – October 31st
- Every fall, we end our visitation season with our annual Leopold Center Art Discovery Day event at the Leopold Center. Art Day is fun for the whole family! It features presentations, demonstrations, and time for individual interaction with each artist. Each year we select a group of inspiring regional artists and artisans that find inspiration in the land ethic and the natural world for their work. This is a great event to discover new art and maybe even start your holiday shopping a little early. Join us! If you are an artist or artisan who would like to submit an application for consideration to be a part of Art Discovery Day, please contact Maria Kopecky at or 608-355-0279.
- Crane Congregations – Late October/Early November
- Every fall, thousands of sandhill cranes use the sandbars and islands in the Wisconsin River for staging prior to migration. Seeing and hearing these spectacular congregations of birds is an absolutely incredible experience. The river just behind the Aldo Leopold Shack and Farm property provides the most premier vantage point for crane viewing available in the region. Program dates and registration willl be announced first to Aldo Leopold Foundation members. Join today to be the first to hear about this amazing wildlife viewing opportunity!
Shack Tours (Public and Group Tours)
- Saturday, September 12th – Adapting to Extreme Rainfall: Using the Baraboo River flood to prepare for climate change
- Saturday, October 3rd – Beekeeping Basics