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Conservancy Day: Tagging Monarch Butterflies
August 20, 2020 @ 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Help us tag monarch butterflies in the Conservancy! Monarch tagging starts nationwide on the first official day of monarch migration, close to the middle of August. Citizens across the country will tag monarchs as they migrate south to Mexico. When a tagged butterfly is recaptured elsewhere along its migratory route, the tagger will be notified about where and when it was found, by whom, and how many miles it traveled.
Diane Dempsey is a naturalist who has worked in the area for the past 23 years. You may have met her at the U.W. Arboretum or Pheasant Branch Conservancy or had her as an instructor if you were a student in the Middleton-Cross Plains school district. She is a native of Chicago and received her Master’s Degree from Northern Illinois University where she focused on aquatic insects. She is an instructor with the U.W. Extension Master Naturalist Program. She has been an active volunteer with Project Monarch Watch since 2012.ed a presentation on Forest Bathing as part of the course.
RSVPs appreciated but not necessary to conservancyday@pheasantbranch.org
Every Conservancy Day is:
*Free — thanks to your donations and membership as a Friend
Open to the public
*For all ages unless a specific age group is given in the program description
*Diverse topics — More than 400 participants each year enjoy topics ranging from wildlife, science, resource management, natural and cultural history and current community issues
Thank you for your generous gifts and participation. You make it possible and you make it great! We welcome you to join us and help spread the word!
Mark your calendars for these inspiring and special events the third Thursday of each month, from January through November.
Photo credit: Thomas Stringfellow