Goal 1
Ensure that every child in Madison has regular opportunities to connect to nature for their best physical, social and emotional well-being.
Strategy 1: Provide incentives and support for increasing the time young children and families spend in nature to early childhood education and day care providers in the City of Madison, particularly among those who don’t normally have the opportunity.
Strategy 2: Identify resources that will support the maintenance and use of outdoor classrooms and parks/open spaces in MMSD and MSCR programs, particularly among children with less access. Develop a district-wide effort to increase time spent outdoors throughout the school day and coordinate a teacher support network for those interested in outdoor learning.
Goal 2
Increase community connectedness and sense of belonging in nature in Madison’s neighborhoods, particularly among communities of color.
Strategy 1: Through City of Madison planning processes, engage diverse youth and community members for more equitable access to nature.